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’n Gruwel in God se oë!

Die Bybel praat van gays as honde

Pastoor Clifford Clarkson

“'n ‘Gay’ is 'n persoon wat die natuurlike verkeer met 'n vrou ... verruil het vir die onnatuurlike verkeer ... met 'n man. God haat so 'n persoon ...”

“'n ‘Moffie’ is 'n manlike persoon wat meer vroulike hormone het en die voorste lob van sy brein verskil nie veel van 'n vrou s'n nie.”

“Trassies word volgens Skrif nie toegelaat om te trou en kinders te baar nie. Hulle geslag is onbepaald.”

“As ons dink hoeveel Afrikanervroue sedert 1994 verkrag of seksueel aangerand is tydens die huidige misdaadvlaag ... dan begin dit sin maak dat ons vroue ook toenemend gay seuns gaan begin baar.”

Stelling oor homoseksualiteit

Daar is twee woorde vir liefde in Latyn: caritas, wat “barmhartigheid” beteken, en amor, wat “erotiese liefde” aandui. Anders as die geskrifte van teoloë – ook Calvyn – wat eeue lank in Latyn geskryf het, is die Nuwe Testament natuurlik in Grieks gekomponeer. Twee woorde vir die liefde wat daarin voorkom, is agape, wat “goddelike liefde” beteken, en phileo, wat gelykstaande is aan “naasteliefde” of “broederlike liefde”. Maar daar bestaan nog ‘n derde woord vir liefde, eros, wat die ekwivalent van die Latynse amor is en waarvan ons woord eroties afgelei is.

Die wetenskap

In primaatsamelewings soos onder die sjimpansees word die minder suksesvolle en aggressiewe mannetjies uit die trop uitgeskuif, waarna hulle sogenaamde "vrygeselbendes" vorm. Omdat hulle geen toegang tot die wyfies het nie, daal hul testosteroonvlakke tot op vlakke waar homoseksuele gedrag begin intree. Pleks van die gewone aggressie en mededinging wat verhoudings tussen mannetjies kenmerk, begin hulle tekens van onderlinge aangetrokkenheid openbaar. Sulke vrygeselsjimpansees is bekend daarvoor dat hulle óf self masturbeer, óf mekaar masturbeer. Daar is 'n teorie dat sulke masturbasie juis plaasvind om die afskeiding van testosteroon te stimuleer vir geval hulle weer 'n kans by die wyfies sou kry ná 'n geveg met een van die huidige alfamannetjies. Hoe dit ook al sy, by primaatmannetjies is homoseksuele gedrag dus tipies van "verloorders".

Daar is selfs studies wat beweer dat vroue wat in oorloë verkrag word, vanweë die angs en vrees wat daarmee gepaard gaan, agterna 'n hoër aantal seuns baar wat geneig sou wees om homoseksueel te wees. As ons dink hoeveel Afrikanervroue sedert 1994 verkrag of seksueel aangerand is tydens die huidige misdaadvlaag, asook die vrees vir geweld waarmee meeste vroue saamleef, dan begin dit sin maak dat ons vroue ook toenemend gay seuns gaan begin baar. Ook by manlike sportspanne wat verloor het, daal die testosteroonvlakke ná 'n wedstryd, terwyl dié van die wenners weer styg en hulle meer aggressief, selfvoldaan en viriel voel.

Ons moet die vraag vra wat 'n “gay” is en wat 'n “moffie” is.

'n “Gay” is 'n persoon wat die natuurlike verkeer met 'n vrou (agape; caritas) verruil het vir die onnatuurlike verkeer (amor; eros) met 'n man. God haat so 'n persoon en maan so 'n persoon om dadelik te bekeer. Die Bybel praat van gays as honde. God het Adam en Eva geskape en nie Adam en Stefan nie. 'n “Moffie” is 'n manlike persoon wat meer vroulike hormone het en die voorste lob van sy brein verskil nie veel van 'n vrou s'n nie. Hierdie persone kom ook verfynd voor. Ons kan nie sê dat God so ‘n persoon haat nie, maar ongelukkig word hierdie persone egter gou die slagoffer van gay persone en dan verval die “moffie” in ernstige sonde wat tot die dood lei.

Die Skrif

Wat sê die Skrif oor homoseksuele?

Lev 18:22: Met 'n manspersoon mag jy ook geen gemeenskap hê soos 'n mens met 'n vrou het nie. Dit is 'n gruwel. (Eros of Amor)

Gen 19:5–8: (5) En hulle het na Lot geroep en aan hom gesê: Waar is die manne wat vannag na jou gekom het? Bring hulle na ons toe uit, dat ons hulle kan beken. (6) Daarop gaan Lot na hulle toe uit voor die ingang en sluit die deur agter hom toe (7) en sê: My broers, moet tog nie kwaad doen nie. (8) Kyk tog, ek het twee dogters wat geen man beken het nie; laat ek dié na julle uitbring, en doen met hulle soos dit goed is in julle oë. Net aan hierdie manne moet julle niks doen nie, want daarom het hulle onder die skaduwee van my dak ingekom.

Rigters 19:22: Terwyl hulle hul hart vrolik maak, omsingel die manne van die stad, slegte manne, meteens die huis en klop hard aan die deur; en hulle spreek met die ou man, die eienaar van die huis, en sê: Bring die man uit wat in jou huis ingekom het, dat ons hom kan beken.

Efes 4:18-19: (18) … mense wat verduisterd is in die verstand en vervreemd van die lewe van God deur die onkunde wat in hulle is vanweë die verharding van hulle hart; (19) wat ongevoelig geword het en hulle oorgegee het aan die ongebondenheid om in hebsug allerhande onreinheid te bedrywe. (Hoereerders, Eros of Amor)

1 Tim 1:10: … sodomiete, mensediewe, leuenaars, meinediges en wat daar anders met die gesonde leer in stryd is …

Judas 6–8 sê: (6) En die engele wat hul eie beginsel nie bewaar het nie, maar hul eie woning verlaat het, het Hy vir die oordeel van die groot dag met ewige boeie onder die duisternis bewaar; (7) soos Sodom en Gomorra en die stede rondom hulle, wat op dieselfde manier as hierdie mense gehoereer en agter vreemde vlees aan geloop het, as 'n voorbeeld gestel is, terwyl hulle die straf van die ewige vuur ondergaan. (8) Tog besoedel ook hierdie mense net so in hulle dromerye die vlees en verag die heerskappy en laster die heerlike wesens.

Rom 1:26-32: (26) Daarom het God hulle oorgegee aan skandelike hartstogte, want hulle vroue het die natuurlike verkeer verander in dié wat teen die natuur is; (27) en net so het ook die manne die natuurlike verkeer met die vrou laat vaar en in hulle wellus teenoor mekaar ontbrand: manne het met manne skandelikheid bedrywe en in hulleself die noodwendige vergelding van hulle dwaling ontvang. (28) En omdat hulle dit nie die moeite werd geag het om God in erkentenis te hou nie, het God hulle oorgegee aan 'n slegte gesindheid, om te doen wat nie betaam nie: (29) hulle is vervul met allerhande ongeregtigheid, hoerery, boosheid, hebsug, ondeug; vol nydigheid, moord, twis, bedrog, kwaadaardigheid; (30) nuusdraers, kwaadsprekers, haters van God, geweldenaars, trotsaards, grootpraters, uitvinders van slegte dinge, ongehoorsaam aan die ouers; (31) onverstandig, ontrou, sonder natuurlike liefde, onversoenlik, onbarmhartig, (32) mense wat – al ken hulle die verordening van God goed, dat die wat sulke dinge doen, die dood verdien – dié dinge nie alleen self doen nie, maar ook hulle goedkeuring skenk aan die wat dit doen.

(Hierdie is gevaarlike woorde. Hier staan dat as jy weet dat iemand iets doen wat in God se oë verkeerd is en jy dit nie afkeur nie, jy ook dan aan daardie sonde skuldig is en sal ook daardie straf ontvang al doen jy die sonde nie self nie.)

Rom 1:24–25: (24) Daarom het God hulle ook in die begeerlikhede van hulle harte oorgegee aan onreinheid, om hulle liggame onder mekaar te onteer – (25) hulle wat die waarheid van God verruil het vir die leuen en die skepsel vereer en gedien het bo die Skepper wat geprys moet word tot in ewigheid. Amen.

Engelse Bybel-ontleder en teoloog, Matthew Henry

Laat my toe om aan te haal wat Matthew Henry, die wêreldbekende Engelse Bybelontleder en teoloog sê:

The judgments of God upon them for this idolatry; not many temporal judgments (the idolatrous nations were the conquering ruling nations of the world), but spiritual judgments, giving them up to the most brutish and unnatural lusts. Paredoµken autous – He gave them up; it is thrice repeated here, v 24, 26, 28. Spiritual judgments are of all judgments the sorest, and to be most dreaded. Observe,

1. By whom they were given up.
God gave them up, in a way of righteous judgment, as the just punishment of their idolatry – taking off the bridle of restraining grace – leaving them to themselves – letting them alone; for his grace is his own, he is debtor to no man, he may give or withhold his grace at pleasure. Whether this giving up be a positive act of God or only privative we leave to the schools to dispute: but this we are sure of, that it is no new thing for God to give men up to their own hearts' lusts, to send them strong delusions, to let Satan loose upon them, nay, to lay stumbling-blocks before them. And yet God is not the author of sin, but herein infinitely just and holy; for, though the greatest wickedness follows upon this giving up, the fault of that is to be laid upon the sinner's wicked heart. If the patient be obstinate, and will not submit to the methods prescribed, but wilfully takes and does that which is prejudicial to him, the physician is not to be blamed if he give him up as in a desperate condition; and all the fatal symptoms that follow are not to be imputed to the physician, but to the disease itself and to the folly and wilfulness of the patient.

2. To what they were given up.
(1.) To uncleanness and vile affections, v 24, 26, 27. Those that would not entertain the more pure and refined notices of natural light, which tend to preserve the honour of God, justly forfeited those more gross and palpable sentiments which preserve the honour of human nature. Man being in honour, and refusing to understand the God that made him, thus becomes worse than the beasts that perish, Ps 49:20. Thus one, by the divine permission, becomes the punishment of another; but it is (as it said here) through the lusts of their own hearts – there all the fault is to be laid. Those who dishonoured God were given up to dishonour themselves. A man cannot be delivered up to a greater slavery than to be given up to his own lusts. Such are given over, like the Egyptians (Isa 19:4), into the hand of a cruel lord. The particular instances of their uncleanness and vile affections are their unnatural lusts, for which many of the heathen, even of those among them who passed for wise men, as Solon and Zeno, were infamous, against the plainest and most obvious dictates of natural light. The crying iniquity of Sodom and Gomorrah, for which God rained hell from heaven upon them, became not only commonly practiced, but avowed, in the pagan nations. Perhaps the apostle especially refers to the abominations that were committed in the worship of their idol-gods, in which the worst of uncleanness were prescribed for the honour of their gods; dunghill service for dunghill gods: the unclean spirits delight in such ministrations. In the church of Rome, where the pagan idolatries are revived, images worshipped, and saints only substituted in the room of demons, we hear of these same abominations going barefaced, licensed by the pope (Fox's Acts and Monuments, vol 1, p 808), and not only commonly perpetrated, but justified and pleaded for by some of their cardinals: the same spiritual plagues for the same spiritual wickedness's. See what wickedness there is in the nature of man. How abominable and filthy is man! Lord, what is man? Says David; what a vile creature is he when left to himself! How much are we beholden to the restraining grace of God for the preserving any thing of the honour and decency of the human nature! For, was it not for this, man, who was made but little lower than the angels, would make himself a great deal lower than the devils? This is said to be that recompense of their error which was meet. The Judge of all the earth does right, and observes a meetness between the sin and the punishment of it.

(2.) To a reprobate mind in these abominations, v 28.
[1.] They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. The blindness of their understandings was caused by the wilful aversion of their wills and affections. They did not retain God in their knowledge, because they did not like it. They would neither know nor do any thing but just what pleased themselves. It is just the temper of carnal hearts; the pleasing of themselves is their highest end. There are many that have God in their knowledge, they cannot help it, the light shines so fully in their faces; but they do not retain him there. They say to the Almighty, Depart (Job 21:14), and they therefore do not retain God in their knowledge because it thwarts and contradicts their lusts; they do not like it. In their knowledge – en epignoµsei. There is a difference between gnoµsis and epignoµsis, the knowledge and the acknowledgement of God; the pagans knew God, but did not, would not, acknowledge him. [2.] Answerable to this wilfulness of theirs, in gainsaying the truth, God gave them over to a wilfulness in the grossest sins, here called a reprobate mind – eis adokimon noun, a mind void of all sense and judgment to discern things that differ, so that they could not distinguish their right hand from their left in spiritual things. See whither a course of sin leads, and into what a gulf it plunges the sinner at last; hither fleshly lusts have a direct tendency. Eyes full of adultery cannot cease from sin, 2 Pt 2:14. This reprobate mind was a blind seared conscience, past feeling, Eph 4:19. When the judgment is once reconciled to sin, the man is in the suburbs of hell. At first Pharaoh hardened his heart, but afterwards God hardened Pharaoh's heart. Thus wilful hardness is justly punished with judicial hardness. – To do those things which are not convenient. This phrase may seem to bespeak a diminutive evil, but here it is expressive of the grossest enormities; things that are not agreeable to men, but contradict the very light and law of nature. And here he subjoins a black list of those unbecoming things which the Gentiles were guilty of, being delivered up to a reprobate mind. No wickedness so heinous, so contrary to the light of nature, to the law of nations, and to all the interests of mankind, but a reprobate mind will comply with it. By the histories of those times, especially the accounts we have of the then prevailing dispositions and practices of the Romans when the ancient virtue of that commonwealth was so degenerated, it appears that these sins here mentioned were then and there reigning national sins. No fewer than twenty-three several sorts of sins and sinners are here specified v. 29-31. Here the devil's seat is; his name is legion, for they are many. It was time to have the gospel preached among them, for the world had need of reformation.

First, Sins against the first table: Haters of God. Here is the devil in his own colours, sin appearing as sin. Could it be imagined that rational creatures should hate the chief good, and depending creatures abhor the fountain of their being? And yet so it is. Every sin has in it a hatred of God; but some sinners are more open and avowed enemies to him than others, Zech 11:8. Proud men and boasters cope with God himself, and put those crowns upon their own heads which must be cast before his throne.

Secondly, Sins against the second table. These are especially mentioned, because in these things they had a clearer light. In general here is a charge of unrighteousness. This is put first, for every sin is unrighteousness; it is withholding that which is due, perverting that which is right; it is especially put for second-table sins, doing as we would not be done by. Against the fifth commandment: Disobedient to parents, and without natural affection – astorgous, that is parents unkind and cruel to their children. Thus, when duty fails on one side, it commonly fails on the other. Disobedient children are justly punished with unnatural parents; and, on the contrary, unnatural parents with disobedient children. Against the sixth commandment: Wickedness (doing mischief for mischief's sake), maliciousness, envy, murder, debate (eridos – contention), malignity, despiteful, implacable, and unmerciful; all expressions of that hatred of our brother which is heart-murder. Against the seventh commandment: Fornication; he mentions no more, having spoken before of other uncleanness. Against the eighth commandment: Unrighteousness, covetousness. Against the ninth commandment: Deceit, whisperers, back-biters, covenant-breakers, lying and slandering. Here are two generals not before mentioned – inventors of evil things, and without understanding; wise to do evil, and yet having no knowledge to do well. The more deliberate and politic sinners are in inventing evil things, the greater is their sin: so quick of invention in sin, and yet without understanding (stark fools) in the thoughts of God. Here is enough to humble us all, in the sense of our original corruption; for every heart by nature has in it the seed and spawn of all these sins. In the close he mentions the aggravations of the sins, v 32. 1. They knew the judgment of God; that is,
(1.) They knew the law. The judgment of God is that which his justice requires, which, because he is just, his judgeship meet to be done.
(2.) They knew the penalty; so it is explained here: They knew that those who commit such things were worthy of death, eternal death; their own consciences could not but suggest this to them, and yet they ventured upon it. It is a great aggravation of sin when it is committed against knowledge (James 4:17), especially against the knowledge of the judgment of God. It is daring presumption to run upon the sword's point. It argues the heart much hardened, and very resolutely set upon sin. 2. They not only do the same, but have pleasure in those that do them. The violence of some present temptation may hurry a man into the commission of such sins himself in which the vitiated appetite may take a pleasure; but to be pleased with other people's sins is to love sin for sin's sake: it is joining in a confederacy for the devil's kingdom and interest. Syneudokousi: they do not only commit sin, but they defend and justify it, and encourage others to do the like. Our own sins are much aggravated by our concurrence with, and complacency in, the sins of others. Now lie all this together, and then say whether the Gentile world, lying under so much guilt and corruption, could be justified before God by any works of their own.

In Mat 19:7–12 staan daar geskryf: (7) Hulle sê vir Hom: Waarom het Moses dan beveel om ‘n skeibrief te gee en van haar te skei? (8) Hy antwoord hulle: Omdat Moses weens die hardheid van jul harte julle toegelaat het om van julle vroue te skei; maar van die begin af was dit nie so nie. (9) Maar Ek sê vir julle, elkeen wat van sy vrou skei, behalwe oor hoerery, en ‘n ander een trou, pleeg egbreuk; en die wat die geskeie vrou trou, pleeg egbreuk. (10) Sy dissipels sê vir Hom: As die saak van ‘n man met ‘n vrou so is, dan is dit nie wenslik om te trou nie. (11) Maar Hy sê vir hulle: Almal vat hierdie woord nie, maar net dié aan wie dit gegee is. (12) Want daar is persone wat onbekwaam is om te trou, wat van die moederskoot af so gebore is, en daar is persone wat deur die mense onbekwaam gemaak is, en daar is persone wat hulleself onbekwaam gemaak het ter wille van die koninkryk van die hemele. Wie dit kan vat, laat hom dit vat.

Hierdie verse handel oor die huwelik, maar Christus praat ook van hulle wat nie in die huwelik kan of wil tree nie. Mans mag nie met mans omgang hê nie en so ook nie vroue met vroue nie. Die wet daaromtrent het nie verander nie en staan dus nog. Om homoseksueel te wees is ’n gruwel in God se oë en sal so bly. Dit is dus verkeerd.

Baie sal as gevolg van die verse van Mat 19:7–12 glo dat dit daarop neerkom dat dit nie verkeerd is om homoseksueel te wees nie, solank jy nie die daad beoefen nie. Dieselfde dus as egbreek, steel en moor.

1. Trassies word volgens Skrif nie toegelaat om te trou en kinders te baar nie. Hulle geslag is onbepaald.

2. Party mans het ’n eed afgelê om selibaat te bly en mag ook nie hulle eed verbreek nie. Dink aan die nasireërwet.

3. Party mans is ontman en kan nie by ‘n vrou kom nie en mag dus ook nie volgens die wet by ‘n ander man ingaan nie. Hy bly steeds 'n man.

4. Homoseksuele doen die daad, dis waarom hulle homoseksuele genoem word. "Wie dit kan vat, laat hom dit vat." Hierdie vers was bedoel vir die eed wat afgelê was ter wille van die Koninkryk van God en nie om nou maar homoseksueel te wees nie.

My volk, ek hoop u kan insien dat hierdie priesters, pastore en ander humanistiese predikante nie die waarheid aan die mense verkondig nie. Hulle wil sweerlik meer persone vir sy kerk insamel, maar God sal hulle straf omdat hulle leuens verkondig as die waarheid. Kom ons sluit af.

Romeine 1: 32: … mense wat – al ken hulle die verordening van God goed, dat die wat sulke dinge doen, die dood verdien – dié dinge nie alleen self doen nie, maar ook hulle goedkeuring skenk aan die wat dit doen.

Wees dus gewaarsku!!

LitNet: 12 September 2005

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